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To report an absence please call (760) 726-8003 ext. 63009 and leave a message that includes the following:

  • Date of the absence

  • Your child's name

  • Grade

  • First period teacher

  • Reason for the absence

  • Your name, relation to the student and a call back number

When a student returns to school following an absence, the parent/guardian has 72 hours (3 school days) to notify the school with the reason for the absence and to turn in any medical verification for medical appointments. Any student with 10 excused absences verified by phone calls will be required to provide a written explanation for all future absences. This verification must be written by the appropriate professional on his/her letterhead, addressing the medical, and legal or bereavement reason. Medical & dental notes may be faxed at 760-726-8264.


School is dismissed at 3:08 Monday through Friday. Students may not be checked out of school after 2:50 pm Monday through Friday.

When picking up student make sure that you bring in a government issued ID. Students will ONLY be released to their parent/guardian unless prior arrangements have been made. If anyone other than the student's custodial parent is picking up a student early, he or she will need to be listed as an emergency contact in our student database. The custodial parent must also deliver a signed, dated letter in advance notifying the office as to which emergency contact will be picking up the student and the date and time of that pick-up. Custodial parents may add individuals to their child's emergency contact list by visiting the office or through Parent Portal.

Please understand that if you are checking out your student from school and have not previously contacted the Attendance Office, there may be an extended wait time.

Please note that emergency contacts do not have permission to excuse absences, tardies, or release students from campus. They are notified only in the event that your child has an emergency and parent/ guardian cannot be reached.